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The Connectors on the Wallaby and Himalaya

Chân nối của Wallaby và Himalaya gồm 22 chânkết nối với cổng USB,cổng nối tiếp com1, nguồn và âm tần (in/out dùng trong ô tô). Connectortương tự 3800 hoặc đời mới nhất của iPaq, nhưng khác chân ra. Nghĩa là không cắm được cho iPaq.

Sơ đồ chân nối
1 CAR_MIC_IN(micro ô tô)
2 GND / SENSE(tiếp đất)
3 CAR_AUDIO_R (Kênh âm tần phải)
4 CAR_AUDIO_L (Kênh âm tần trái)
5 ANALOG GND (tiếp đất âm tần)
6 RS232_DCD (Dây nối cổng nối tiếp)
7 RS232_CTS (Dây nối cổng nối tiếp)
8 RS232_TXD (Dây nối cổng nối tiếp-truyền dữ liệu)
9 RS232_RTS (Dây nối cổng nối tiếp)
10 RS232_RXD (Dây nối cổng nối tiếp-nhận dữ liệu)
11 RS232_DTR (Dây nối cổng nối tiếp)
12 IN_CALL(Báo có cuộc gọi đến)
13 USB_VDD(Nguồn cổng USB)
14 UDC+ (Data+)
15 UDC- (Data-)
16 GND (Tiếp đất)
17 GND (Tiếp đất)
18 GND (Tiếp đất)
19 CAR_ON#
20 V_ADP (Nguồn)
21 V_ADP (Nguồn)
22 V_ADP (Nguồn)

Kết nối cổng USB

V+ nối vào 13,21,22 dây đỏ
Data - nối vào 15 dây trắng
Data+ nối vào 14 dây xanh
Ground nối vào 16 dây đen

Vỏ bọc kim nối vào 17

Chú ý -

Himalay chỉ cần 5 Volts, trong đó Wallaby cần 6 Volts.

  • CAR_ON# được nối đến +6V/+5V trong ô tô để điều khiển loa ô tô khi nghe máy hoặc gọi khi đó sẽ tắt loa và các đường nối âm tần sẽ nối với CAR_MIC_IN, CAR_AUDIO_R, và CAR_AUDIO_L . Khi CAR_ON# được nối trực tiếp với đất, các đường nối âm tần sẽ nối trực tiếp khi gọi. Riêng cho Wallaby : Khi CAR_ON# nối đất, mico và loa trong sẽ tắt, các đường nối âm tần sẽ nối với CAR_MIC_IN, CAR_AUDIO_R, và CAR_AUDIO_L respectively.
  • Chân 2 GND / SENSE không cần thiết. It seems that if it's grounded, the phone hangs up when placed in a DIY Car-holder for example. - leave it unconnected.
  • Chân 5 ANALOG GND - connect this to your sound Input/output-GND (Speaker/Microphone) - do not connect this with the other GND's - it makes a lot of noise on the analog input/outputs.
  • Audio needs to be capacitively coupled in, any DC bias seems to inhibit audio.
  • Chân 12 IN_CALL - (chỉ với Blue Angel !!) This pin's voltage builds up to about 5v when making a call and does drop off to 0 when you end the call. Handy for making your DIY carkit (trigger car audio mute?).

If RS232_DCD is pulled to +6V/+5V, the device turns on and ActiveSync is started. The serial port powers down and needs to be reopened after the device goes in power-save mode.

  • USB power also wakes up the device and starts ActiveSync. UDC+ và UDC- là đường truền dữ liệu USB. One person reported measuring them the other way around.

Power hookup

The schematic below shows the car charger schematic. Not shown in the schematic is that +6V is also connected to the CAR_ON# pin on the Wallaby side.

DIY Car-handsfree:

This is the way to make a Car-handsfree. the audio-transformer is a 1:1 type, used in audio-applications. Connection of a microphone depends on which type you have, some requires a preamplifier, some don't - experiment ! It's very important that the ANALOG-GND (Pin5) is not connected to any other GND's !!!


The Wallaby headphone connector

Then there's also the headphone connector. It looks a little bit like a standard headphone jack at first, but contains an extra ring.

Thiết bị Màu dây Đầu nối
Blue Angel
Left ear (tai trái)
White Tip Ring 2
Right ear (tai phải) Red Ring 1 Ring 1
Mic/switch(chuyển mạch micro)
Blue Ring 2
Ground(tiếp đất)
Copper Sleeve Sleeve

In the sales package for the Wallaby, there's a headset (of which the earpieces do not stay in your ears). It connects to this connector, and has a tiny circuitboard inside. It looks like this:


  • As you can see, grounding the microphone wire will pick up the phone. This only works on this connector: grounding the audio input on the large connector does nothing.
  • The silkscreen says D2, but there's two capacitors soldered there. Probably a last-minute modification to keep more RF away from the microphone.

Conversion from a Nokia Headset

Since the Nokia 8210 GSM has the same 4-connector jack, here the pin layout of a regular Nokia 8210 PHF Jack and the responding Wallaby/Himalaya connection.

XDA Wire Nokia
Left ear (tai trái) Blue Ear (tai nghe)
Right ear (taiphải) Green Mic
Mic Red Ground Ear
Ground Copper Ground Mic

Wallaby headphone jack

I number the terminals counterclockwise starting from where the plug fits (like a DIP IC). One side has pins 1 and 2, the back has pin 3, and the other side has pins 4 through 6. To disable the headphone jack, short 2 to 3 and 4 to 6. --yuubyou


Pin Connection
1 ring near sleeve (R2)
2 tip
3 connected to 2 when plug is unplugged
4 connected to 5 when plug is unplugged
5 ring near tip (R1)
6 sleeve (GND)

Himalaya headphone connector

The Himalaya has a different headphone connector. Most obvious is that there's now two buttons on the remote: one for pickup and one for hangup. On touching the Sleeve with the Outer Sleeve it seems to have the same effect as pressing the End Call button.

Thiết bị Màu dây Đầu nối
Left ear (tai trái) White Tip
Right ear (tai phải) Red Ring 1
Mic/Switch 1 (Answer Call-Trả lời) Blue Ring 2
Switch 2 (End Call-Kết thúc) n/k Outer Sleeve Ring
Ground Copper Sleeve

Conversion of Plantronics MHS 123 Headset for Prophet

Prophet has the following headphone connector wiring:

Pin Connected to
Tip Left ear (tai trái)
Ring 1 Right ear (tai phải)
Ring 2 Mic
Sleeve Ground

Plantronics MHS 123 uses a different wiring, but after swapping the wires, it works perfectly with Prophet.

Plantronics wiring:

Pin Connected to
Tip Mic
Ring 1 Left ear (tai trái)
Ring 2 Right ear (tai phải)
Sleeve Ground

Serial cables

Here's a few cable diagrams for serial cables. The connector terminals are rather small and close together. Nothing unmanageable for an experienced enthousiast, but building these cables yourself probably is not the project you want to pick to teach yourself how to solder, unless you order 10 connectors.

Cable to plug into computer

This is the cable you need to talk to the Wallaby or Himalaya serially from a computer, such as is needed with our Manipulator program or for using ActiveSync through the serial port. Techies like us call it a "null-modem cable", O2 describes it as a "serial hotsync cable". Optionally, if you wish to be able to power/charge to XDA while using this cable, you could hook up a female connector that mates with the connector on your power adapter between Ground (pins 2,5,etc. on XDA) and pins 20,21 and 22 on the XDA. Make sure the center conductor on the power connector goes to pins 20,21 and 22.

Wallaby /
Đầu nối 9 chân
2,16,17,18 5 (gnd)
6 (dcd) 4 (dtr)
7 (cts) 7 (rts)
8 (txd) 2 (rxd)
9 (rts) 8 (cts)
10 (rxd) 3 (txd)
11 (dtr) 6,1 (dsr, dcd)
  • NB: don't ground pin 5 on phone (audio ground)*

Cable to plug into modem or GPS

This cable will connect to devices which come with a cable to plug into a PC serial port, such as a modem. If you are connecting to a device that only uses RX, TX and GND (such as many GPS receivers), you may only need the wires which connect to pins 2, 3 and 5 on the 9-pin serial connector. And you can, optionally, hook up a charging interface in the same way as described above.

Wallaby /
Đầu nối 9 chân
2,16,17,18 5 (gnd)
6 (dcd) 1 (dcd)
7 (cts) 8 (cts)
8 (txd) 3 (txd)
9 (rts) 7 (rts)
10 (rxd) 2 (rxd)
11 (dtr) 4 (dtr)
  • NB: don't ground pin 5 on phone (audio ground)*

Thay đổi cho iPaq

Using the pinout of the XDA connector, you can now modify iPaq accessories to fit the Wallaby or Himalaya.

Wallaby /
36xx hoặc 37xx
38xx hoặc mới hơn
2,16,17,18 (gnd) 4,10 10,15,22
6 (dcd) 9 6
(hoặc 11, xem bên dưới)
7 (cts) 5 13
8 (txd) 7 8
9 (rts) 6 12
10 (rxd) 8 7
11 (dtr) 3 9
14 (udc+) 11 19
15 (udc-) 12 21
20,21,22 (power) 1,2 1,2,3,4
  • NB: don't ground pin 5 on phone (audio ground)*
  • Note: The Wallaby/Himalaya and the older iPaqs have DSR and DCD combined in one pin. Depending on what output signal the device sends to indicate the port is opened, you may want to hook up either hook up iPaq pin 6 or 11 (but never both).

Keep in mind that on some accessories, such as the keyboard below, you need to make the connector face the other way, as well as make the necessary electrical changes.


Charge circuit for the Universal

The Universal has a standard mini-usb connector so that any matching usb-cable can be used for synchronization.

However, the pinout of the connector is extended to signal the connection of the external DC battery charger. The Universal recognizes the charge power supply because pin 4 the mini-usb connector is pulled to ground (pin 5). The fast charge mode is apperntly switched directly from pin 4.

Many 3rd party chargers are lacking this connection of pin 4 to ground, which is why they often do not work reliably.